• Well... one thing and another

    Well... one thing and another

    Well... there will be some things there...



    It'll depend... of my mood.



    Strange things, certainly.

    'Cause I'm strange, sometimes.

    "What do you want?!?" "Same thing, what do YOU want?"

  • The Dawn of the World

    The Dawn of the World


    I do not have anything to say
    'Cause I'm not one who lie so much,
    But if you want to go and search,
    And this before the end of the day,
    I can tell you where he lies down,
    I can support you until dawn.
    The dawn of the world
    In a single word:
    The word of "war"
    That is now far.
    But "far away"
    Means there's always
    Somewhere, sometimes,
    A place where someone dies.
    A bloody chest
    And a bloody hand,
    Turned to the West,
    And if the hand
    Belongs to the beast,
    Turned to the East,
    The dying life,
    The victim's one,
    A soldier's one,
    Calling civilians' cries,
    Is one more hole,
    Is one more loss
    In this black hole
    Called the cost
    Of humans' wars;

    Millions of dying humans-stars.

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  • Well. 'Cause I'm bored...

    Yes, I know I have homework to do, right now. But I never work during morning, when it's possible. Yes, I know it's no longer morning, but as I did not eat when I write that down, it's the same. 

    So, just to say, ...

    Nothing, really.

    But as I'm here, I will do some advertisement for myself: DeviantArt

    You can find there: ( can you? you can. )

    Well... 'cause I'm bored...Well... 'cause I'm bored...Well... 'cause I'm bored...Well... 'cause I'm bored...

    In one word? Evidences of my genius.

    Okay, I'm out

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  • Holy Grail

    Monty Python


     That the uncultured depart from this world.

    Or that they join us, too.


    The witch (vostfr)

    Ah? Churches float? I did not know...

    "I got better" Indeed.


    Camelot (vo) 

    French Cancan...


    The french ones (vostfr)

    Oh my bad, we're horrible...


    The Tale of Sir Robin (vosta)

    If everyone was so brave, we would not have to worry... or not.


    The Tale of Sir Galahad (vo)

    Can we say, given that this is supposed to be a punishment, that they are female penitents? 


    The knights who say Ni (vostfr)

    It is more likely to cut a herring cith a tree than the other way...


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